Thursday, April 21, 2011

Well, I'm in!

I decided a few months ago, that if I was lucky enough to make the cut for the JET Program, I would keep a blog of my experiences. A few days ago I got the good news - I am an official short list candidate for the JET Program.


Now all that is left is the last, long wait until departure date. About 100 days, if my math is correct. It's a short amount of time for a lot of preparation. Not to mention fitting in as much Mexican food as I can possibly stomach before flying out. As I sit here and type, 100 days seems like an awfully long time, but (un)fortunately, I know that it will speed by whether I want it to, or not.

This blog is mainly to record my experiences in Japan and help my family keep up to date with my goings on while I'm abroad. There will be a fair share of food and travel talk in this blog, because, I plan to eat and cook my way through as much of Japan as possible. Hopefully this blog will also help to give prospective JETs and idea of what it is like to go through the application process and be a JET, the latter of which I still need to learn for myself.


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